Bermuda Triangle known as the Devil's Triangle
Written horror stories
Where is the Bermuda Triangle located
The Bermuda Delta, part of theNorth Atlantic nearNorth America,
is said to have mysteriously disappearedwithmore than
50 ships andmore than 20 aircraft. The region's boundariesare not universallyrecognized, butarevaguelytriangular in shape, consisting of the Atlantic coast of the Florida Panhandle (in theUnitedStates),
Bermuda, andtheGreat
Horror stories that really happened
Reports of unexplained events in the area date back to the mid-19th century. Some ships were found completely abandoned for reasons unknown; others did not send a distress signal and were never seen or heard from again. The plane reportedly disappeared afterward and the rescue mission is said to have disappeared while flying in the area. However,
no fragments have been found, and some of the theories proposed to explain the recurring mystery are fanciful. While there are many theories about the supernatural causes of
these disappearances, geophysical and environmental factors are likely to
be to blame. One hypothesis is that when pilots approached the Bermuda Triangle, they failed to account for the agonic line -
a position that would not need to compensate
for magnetic compass changes, leading to major navigational errors and disaster
Bermuda Triangle Theories and Counter-Theories
When author
Vincent Gaddis coinedtheterm "Bermuda Triangle" in
a magazinearticle in 1964, therewereother mysterious
accidents in thearea, includingthreepassenger planes thathadjustsent " Allgood" messageandthencrashed.
Charles Berlitz's grandfather, whofoundedthe Berlitz LanguageSchool, furtheredthelegend in
1974 with a legendary bestseller
Since then, many other paranormal writers have blamed the triangle's supposed
lethality on everything from aliens, Atlantis, and sea monsters to time warps
and reverse gravitational fields, while scientifically minded theorists have
Point out magnetic anomalies, waterspouts, or gigantic volcanic eruptions.
Methane gas on the ocean floor
Short written horror stories
it is likely that there is no single theory that can solve this mystery. As one
skeptic put it, trying to find a common cause for every disappearance in the
Bermuda Triangle is no more logical than trying to find a common cause for
every car accident in Arizona
leading shipping insurer Lloyd's of London does not consider the Bermuda Triangle
to be a particularly dangerous place, although storms, reefs and the warm Gulf
Stream can make navigation there difficult. Neither did the U.S. Coast Guard,
which said: "A review of the many aircraft and boat losses that have
occurred in the area over the years has found no indication that the casualties
were due to causes other than physical ones." No unusual factors were ever
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